Dog Wagon
I spent many hours on this trailer. Specifically I spent many hours at the sewing machine making the fabric enclosure. I am very proud of it. I used cordura fabric for the bulk of it. Cordura is commonly used on backpacks, cases, army boots and in other heavy duty applications. I broke several sewing machine needles before I found the right speed and needle size.
The windows are mosquito mesh.
The fabric enclosure is attached to the frame by an array of straps and snap buttons. It is in two parts: top and bottom. The top can come off leaving a general purpose floor. The door is like a hatch that is held on by velcro and snap buttons. All of it can come off for cleaning.
All up and running, the trailer weighed about 25-30lbs, and would be very hard to pedal into the wind. I was aiming for an aerospace trailer that carries itself, but that will be the next one...
It came with reflective strips and even had a strap in the back to hang a bike light on.
I got the black cordura fabric because "black socks, they never get dirty..." but next time I will aim to get a bright color like yellow, orange, or white.
I took it for a test ride with about 100 or 150 lbs. I don't have an exact figure, but I know for sure that it was more weight than I recommend for trailer of this type. The load was junk from my yard: A cast iron sink, bricks, rocks, cinder blocks, gallons of water and motor oil. I took it over curbs at low speeds and on some hills and the trailer passed the test.
After the dead weight test I took TJ for some rides around the neighborhood. He got comfortable in there after he learned that he got snacks for being there. When riding, he even laid down and was looking out the window; Like he was taking a ride in the back seat of a car. I haven't done a complete inquiry into the effects of trailer motion on dogs. It's possible that they can get motion sickness.
I got the black cordura fabric because "black socks, they never get dirty..." but next time I will aim to get a bright color like yellow, orange, or white.
I love this trailer. I think this is exactly what I am looking for. I will be hauling groceries, dogs, and the occasional neighborhood kid when I babysit. Are you making this for others? Please let me know. I am willing to give up collapsable for the depth of this one. It is much deeper then the ones I have been looking at. You mentioned that you think this one can hold 100-150 lbs. How much more work would it take to make it rated for approx 200 lbs? I can be reached at